Dark to Light: A Syrian Child's Journey

We are excited to share with you information about an upcoming exhibit and fundraiser for our good and long-time friends at The Polus Center for Social and Economic Development.

Please join us May 15th - May 18th at the A.P.E. Gallery in Northampton, Massachusetts for a journey to Syria and the Coffeelands. This multimedia exhibition and series of events highlights 20 years of international humanitarian efforts helping victims of conflict around the world, including having a cup of coffee with Dean himself!

Click here for more Event information.

The exhibit, running the entire week, is called Dark to Light: A Syrian Child's Journey. Here you'll see expressive art of war-wounded Syrian Refugee Youth, who have used art therapy in conjunction with prosthetic rehabilitation services and psychological trauma care. The result is beautiful, and both horrific yet filled with hope.

Today we share a piece by Fatima Al Dayat. Here is her story.

Fatima Al Dayat grew up in the Syrian countryside, living with her parents and 5 brothers in the village of Ghouta. She was 12 years old when an airstrike by the Syrian Armed Forces devastated her home killing her entire family and damaging her spine, leaving her a paraplegic. After several unsuccessful attempts at different rehabilitation centers Fatima was brought to the Al Bader Center to participate in the Polus Center program for physical and psychological trauma therapy. There she went from being a full paraplegic to moving independently with a walker. Through the art therapy program, Fatima discovered a love for painting and demonstrated exceptional ability. In time she improved socially, she started wearing make up and showed other outward signs of confidence and social efficacy. Now her ambition is to continue her healing process and to pursue an education.

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