Brewing Guide: French Press
Brewing Guide: French Press

If a robust, full-bodied cup is what after, than a French Press might just be your go-to brewing method! Here are our guidelines for the perfect French Press.
- 8-cup French Press
- 1 L kettle
- Coffee Grinder
- Timer
- Tablespoon, measuring cups, or scale
Step 1:
Heat 1 liter of water in the kettle to 205 degrees by bringing it to a boil and letting it sit for 30 seconds.
Step 2:
Warm up the French Press by rinsing it with hot water.
Step 3:
Measure out 49 grams (about 8 tablespoons or 1/2 cup) of coarsely ground coffee.
Step 4:
Pour 400 grams of water over the grounds (approximately halfway up the French Press. Start the timer and let it brew for 30 seconds.
* This step is called the bloom, where the hot water releases gases in the ground coffee and causes it to expand. A thick crust of coffee will form.
Step 5:
Once the timer hits 30 seconds, stir the coffee gently for 5 seconds to mix the coffee grounds around and break the crust.
Step 6:
Pour the remaining 430 grams of hot water over the coffee (to just below the spout leaving 1 inch of space at the top). Place the lid on the French Press with the plunger pulled all the way up. Let the coffee steep until the timer reads 4 minutes.
Step 8:
Slowly press the plunger all the way down to filter the grounds from the coffee. Pour the coffee immediately into two coffee mugs.
* The clean the French Press, add a little water to the grounds, give it a good swirl, and empty into the trash or compost bin.